DesertJoy :

DesertJoy is closely intertwined with the Dalèl Foundation.
DesertJoy organizes authentic Camel Treks of various lengths through the incomparable Desert of South Sinai.

The Silence of the Desert, the majestic walk of the camels, the humor and care of the Bedouins plus the laughter and the all-allowed energy of Joyce ensure an unforgettable Desert Experience … while at the same time the Bedouins have income from their own disappearing nomad culture and the Camels are back in their natural habitat!

Dalel stichting Dalel en DesertJoy :

Do you like Ceramics? Take a look at Elsje’s website!

On her beautiful website you can find all her work, come and visit Rotterdam if you see something you like, all benefits go to the Dalèl Foundation!

Brooke Hospital for Animals – Egypt

In 1934 Dorothy Brooke founded Brooke Hospital for Animals in Egypt.
The Brooke Hospital provides veterinarian care to owners of working animals, mostly equines, in Egypt, India and Pakistan and contributes in raising awareness among owners of working animals with respect to their animals. :

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